Well, I'm not that sure if you heard this, but Alex certainly has. So, in Texas, 10,000 college students are leaving the Austin Community College (ACC) because they have to get a flu shot (or some vaccine shot), and they don't want to take it, and they can't get into school without the shot, so they aren't going to this college. God, this is stupid. Hey, does anyone else remember taking a flu shot to get into kindergten, and having to keep up with the flu shot (and other shots as well) so that you and your classsmates wouldn't get sick? Yeah, me too. So, this is more or less the samething. So, let's get to this...
1st paragraph - Infowars has talked to a whistleblower in a senior position at Austin Community College who has divulged that enrollment numbers are collapsing due to students refusing to comply with vaccinations they are told are mandatory in order to take classes.
Yeah, that's right, a "whistleblower" told Alex Jones this, so it must be real. Ok, let's just say that this is real, why wouldn't anybody else (menaning the news) report on this. And, are we sure it's the whole school that's leaving...
2nd paragraph - The ACC administrator told Alex Jones that some 10,000 students have refused to enroll because of their refusal to take inoculations. Although waivers for religious or personal objections are available, the ACC source said students were being given the impression that the inoculations are compulsory.
So, your saying that students that go to the college are complete idiots. Wonderful.
3rd paragraph - Indeed, college authorities are lying to students by telling them they will be refused enrolment if they don’t take the shots, according to the source.
Yeah, that is if it was against the law then the authorties would be lying.
4th paragraph - This has led to a staggering 15 per cent decline in students enrolling since January and forced ACC to cancel 500 classes over the next semester alone.
Now, if you click on the last link (if it was against the law) then you would know what I'm about to say. This decline started in January. So, this was right after a law stating that students of higher education need to get a vaccine shot for Bacterial Meningitis after January 1st, 2012. Wow, you don't say. How shocking!
5th paragraph - When students are asked why they are dropping out or failing to enroll, huge numbers of them are citing the institution’s aggressive vaccination policy. According to the administrator, a similar pattern of dropouts due to students revolting over vaccines is being witnessed across the country.
Yeah, who cares that the vaccination requirment is right on the ACC Vaccines site/page. (Screenshot of webpage).
6th paragraph - Our source did not wish to be named but expressed her desire to alert the general public about the fact that the situation had turned into a major crisis for Austin Community College, which is the second largest institution of higher learning in Central Texas.
" alert the general public "
Because when I think "alert the general public", I think of the Alex "9/11 was an inside job" Jones!
7th paragraph - This is yet another example of how the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, in its quest to profit from an ever growing number of vaccines forced on children and young people, is actually destroying an entire area of the economy.
Oh, so Alex hates capitalism now? What a fascist! Also, the vaccines aren't doing anything bad. I had them back then and I'm still ok.
8th paragraph - The process bears some similarities to how the travel industry has been ravaged by aggressive, invasive and pointless security measures directed against tourists by the TSA and other government agencies, measures that cost some $600 billion in lost revenue.
Yeah, don't look at who put up the TSA to be like that. (Bush Jr., born and raised in Texas)
9th paragraph - Concerns about the dangers of vaccines have been growing steadily in recent years. A September 201 Thomson Reuters - NPR poll found that one in four Americans believe vaccines are unsafe.
So, 1 in 4 Americans believe that the vaccines are bad...so? I guess we should just follow them and let kids die because they got something that could have been prevented by a small shot to the arm with a vaccine. Yeah, great idea. We should be just like sheep. like Alex Jones's follwers are, and should listen to the crazy people that tell us that 9/11 was an inside job and Obama is from Kenya and a whole bunch of other stupid fucking things that come out of Alexs' mouth.
10th paragraph - A 2009 Washington Post report found that college students were shunning the H1N1 vaccine because they viewed the virus’s threat as "a media-concocted sensation."
You know what? That was the sametime that I was listening to Alex. Yep, that's right, I listened to this prick. Now I don't after what he said about the H1N1 vaccine. He told his audience to not take the vaccine cause it could kill you. Oddly enough, I had a job at a hospital taking up food to the patience and bringing down the trays when they were done and washing dishes and stuff like that. When I heard about this, I couldn't believe it. He said there were people dieing from this vaccine. He stated it's "mainsteam news". I was watching CNN at the time and I never saw one news story about it. Of course, he backs up his stupid shit by saying that the news was "covering up the story". So, how is it mainsteam news when the mainstream news is covering up the story? I needed to take the H1N1 vaccine. I was so scared about getting the shot because of what Alex said. But I got it and I'm still here...I'm not dead. So, really Alex was bullshiting people into believeing this crap. He made me afraid, and I wa only listening to him for at least 3 or 4 months. Take a guess how people were like who listen to him everyday for at least 5 + years. God, I can't fathom that, and I feel really bad for those people who listen to this guy taking advantage of their life by scareing them into believeing this stuff.
Well, now that I got that out, thank you for looking at this blog.
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