Ok well, here's something new. Alex Jones states that Barack Obama is not an American President, he's the 'United Nations President'. Let's just get to the story...I hope you all have more then one pair of underware for this story... : P
Paragraph 1 - President Barack Obama has continued the secret policy of destroying the sovereignty and wealth of the United States to the benefit of the private transnational interests who control the United Nations, the CIA, Wall Street, and the global banking system. Numerous American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, are on board with this treasonous political agenda.
"(...) destroying the sovereignty and wealth of the United States to the benefit of the private transnational interests (...)"
Yeah, because Barack Obama was the president since 2001 and made the Obama tax cuts for the rich in that year and in again in 2003. Facepalm! Just in case if you believe this, it was the Bush Tax Cuts that really fucked this country over, not to mention the illegal war that Bush put us into in Iraq and the lieing he had to tell to Congress.
Paragraph 2 - Obama is not an "American" president; he is a United Nations president.
(Buzzer sound) Sorry, you're wrong. The UN President, right now, is General-Secertary Ban-Ki Moon. If you were looking for the UN General Assembly of the UN, you'd be wrong too, because the President of the General Assembly, in the 66th year in 2011, is Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser of the country of Qatar. I would like to point out that during the 66 years of the UN General Assembly, no one from the United States has ever been in charge of the General Assembly. The American President, right now, is President Barack Obama...weather you like it or not, you fuck. Moving on...
Paragraph 3 - The criminal international banksters and secret societies behind the creation of the United Nations, and the Barack Obama icon, use fraud, usury, debt, terror, deception, propaganda, false flags, and war to get what they want out of countries. They treat all countries like third world colonies, including America. The people are plundered and destroyed, while the criminal eleties are protected.
" The criminal international banksters and secret societies behind the creation of the United Nations (...)"
I thought that the UN was established so that World War 3 wouldn't break out like WW1 and WW2 did. You know, so that nations can talk about things instead of just going ot war with each other or something like that.
" (...) and the Barack Obama icon, use fraud, usury, debt, terror, deception, propaganda, false flags, and war to get what they want out of countries."
Yeah, you remember when Barack Obama told Congress that there was WMD's in Iraq in 2003 to go and get oil and signed legislation for tax cuts for the rich? You don't..well, I don't neither.
Paragraph 4 - The election of Obama represents a massive constitutional crisis in America because he was born in Kenya, and is thus illegally holding the office of the presidency. He is the presidential equivalent of an illegal alien. It is hard to believe this is true because it is pretty wild. But no intellectually honest person can ignore the evidence and defend Obama’s claim that he was born in America. It is illogical to deny the facts and stick to illusions
"The election of Obama represents a massive constitutional crisis in America because he was born in Kenya (...)"
And here is where I call bullshit. The Secret Service, the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA have all looked into this and oddly enough, if Obama was really born in Kenya, then why did they let Obama become a Presidental Candidate. Then again, you could say the same for McCain, becasue McCain was born in Panama...only thing is, McCain is white. So, why didn't the Right Wing, going after people who had something wrong with their birth cirtificate, go after McCain? Becasue Obama is black and scary of course. (Please note: I don't find the President scary, but the Right Wing, who love their skin color and think it's important, probably do.)
Paragraph 5 - The significance of Obama’s true birthplace is monumental. The entire American experiment is being put into question. The U.S. Constitution has been thrown out. America is fully controlled by genocidal war criminals who teach young and impressionable soldiers that wiping out Islam and using nukes on Middle Eastern cities is a military solution to end the mythic "clash of civilizations" between the West and Islam.
I'm sorry, when did Obama starting signing "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" song by John McCain? And the only 'genocidal war crimanals' are the Republicans, as shown in the video of John McCain signing 'bomb Iran'.
Pararaph 6 - Obama, far from being a secret Muslim, is actually a secret CIA agent who likes the idea of attacking Iran as much as any Neocon, Israeli, and fascist. Obama is not a peacemaker or a saint. Like the mad king of Israel, Obama is a mad psychopath who lies for a living. He worships the god of war because only war can unleash the forces of violent change and political transformation.
"(...) is actually a secret CIA agent (...)"
Are we sure that Alex isn't pulling a Hal Tuner...
"Obama (...) likes the idea of attacking Iran as much as any Neocon, Israeli, and fascist."
No, I think you got confused between Obama and McCain. McCain was the one that was signing 'Bomb Iran'.
"He (Obama) worships the god of war because only war can unleash the forces of violent change and political transformation."
Because George Bush was the peacemaker in this story.
Paragraph 7 - Obama and his masters are secretly working to cause the destruction of America, along with Israel, Iran, and other nations in the Middle East. Obama does not desire peace with Iran, but an epic and total war that will culminate in the establishment of a world authoritarian state with U.S. military power to back it up.
"Obama does not desire peace with Iran, but an epic and total war (...)"
No, not even close. The one that wants a 'epic and total war' with the Ismaic Republic of Iran, as of right now between Mitt Romeny and President Obama, would be Mitt Romeny stating that we, the American people need to prepare for a war with Iran.
Paragraph 8 - In September 2009, Obama became, "the first-ever U.S. president to chair the United Nations’ 15-member Security Council,". That was only the beginning. Obama is probably being primed to be the first United Nations president, since he is obviously not a legitimate and legal American president.
Ugh...why is Alex so damn stupid. This doesn't mean anything. You know why? You know those African and European and Asian and other continents with countries in them? Do you really think their presidents ever go to the UN building in NYC (execpt, like, once in a blue moon if they need to go)? The answer would be no. They usually have their own delegates that are here in our country so if the UN calls for a meeting, that delegate would go to the UN building insead of having the President of every country coming to the US. Then that delegate would report back to the President of their countries to tell them what happened. So, instead of having an American delegate go to the UN Building, Obama thought it would be a good idea to sit in on Security Council meeting. Oh My God, was this so hard to understand...
"Obama is probably being primed to be the first United Nations president (...)"
And Alex is probably a big fucking retard...probably.
Paragraph 9 - The fraudulent elections of Bush and Obama signaled the destruction of America. Bush’s elections were fraudulent because they were stolen, and Obama’s election was fraudulent because he was born in Kenya, not America.
"(...) Obama’s election was fraudulent because he was born in Kenya, not America."
Replace the word Kenya (take out the word 'in') with black and replace the word America with white...vola! You have the reason why the Right Wing hates Obama.
Paragraph 10 - Both the American presidency and the Congress have been destroyed. These institutions are dead. The plan of the globalist fascists is to completely destroy America as an independent political unit with its own national constitution and destiny.
Paragraph 11 - The 1913 Federal Reserve Act destroyed America’s financial independence, so the subversion and destruction of America from within has been a century-long effort by the Anglo-American oligarchy. Secrecy, totalitarian deception, and terrorism are their three main weapons. The treasonous American media has been their biggest ally in their silent war on the American Constitution and the American people.
The Federal Reseve Act of 1913 created a Federal montary system. I don't really understand why this is a bad thing.
"The treasonous American media has been their biggest ally in their silent war on the American Constitution and the American people."
Yeah, the treasonous media like those found on Alex Jones site. (I can point out 5 or 6 articles that are taken from the AP, Reuters, and Fox News on Alexs' site, so why is it ok for Alex to take from the media and twist it but it's not ok for his viewers to make their own decisions on them. When I say this, I mean when Alex is ont he radio going over and twisting everything when he talks about it).
Paragraph 12 - Infowars.com points out that Obama was a British subject at the time of his birth. I guess this is the British Empire’s way of getting back at the rebellious American people for defeating the British army in the 18th century and creating a free and independent government.
Well, he'd be right, IF Obama was born in Kenya. Kenyas' independence was on December 12th, 1963 and Obama's birth was on Augest 4th, 1961. Of course, Obama was born in Hawaii so there is no reason to bring this up unless if you're ignorant of reality, like Alex Jones and his infowarriors are.
Paragraph 13 - But Obama is more than a joke. Obama is like a political virus who is attacking the U.S. national nervous system and destabilizing the natural defenses of the body politic. Obama kills silently, in the night, when everybody is asleep and dreaming.
"But Obama is more than a joke."
Yeah, you rememeber when Obama tried to go out the wrong door and he pulled the door and then looked at the camera and shurgged. And how about that time when Obama got drunk and touched German Chancellor Angla Merkal trying to give her a massege while in the UN Building...oh, wait, that was then-President Bush...oops.
So, what did Obama do? Oh, that's right, he got us out of Iraq and got Osama Bin Laden (with the Special Forces). What a joke that Nobama is hahahaha FUCK YOU ALEX!
"Obama kills silently, in the night, when everybody is asleep and dreaming."
Yeah he almost got Osama Bin Laden (with the Speical Forces) while everyone was sleeping. Too bad that he gave the go ahead before everyone could fall asleep.
Paragraph 14 - Since he came into office, Obama has done nothing to better the lives of the American people and improve the American nation. Even if he wanted to help the American people and make America better, he would be stopped by his masters because, as Alex Jones says in this video, he is compromised.
" (...) Obama has done nothing to better the lives of the American people and improve the American nation."
Yeah! Well, execpt for the $800 tax credit you got in 2010, and he killed Osama Bin Laden, and got us out of Iraq and tried to get the health insurance to comply with rules in the ObamaCare package that would make health care more affordable for people who don't have it...WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE. / He's so fucking uppity / (sarcasm), just cold trying to do something to help out this country. Why didn't he just bomb bomb bomb Iran like McCain, the old guy from Panama, wanted to do. God...
Paragraph 15 - Obama is blackmailable from head to toe. The enemies of America, both foreign (Israel) and domestic (Wall Street banksters, criminal multinational corporations, political opponents), love the fact that Obama is in the White House.
Uh...Israel is an enemy of America now? When?
"Obama is blackmailable from head to toe."
No. Well, not to the point of the upmost gullibilty of your fan base, Alex.
Paragraph 16 - The mythic fairytale about the Osama Bin Laden killing was intended to make the public believe that Obama is in charge and he is a great war leader. But Obama takes orders, he doesn’t give them. There would be no difference if a slave or a robot was in the White House instead of Obama. Obama is worse than a robot and a slave. He is a psychopathic liar and killer who loves death and destruction.
What the...
"There would be no difference if a slave or a robot was in the White House instead of Obama."
Bullshit. But I would like to point out that if this was said about Bush it would need to read "There would be no difference if Rumsfeild or Cheny was in the White House instead of Bush."
"He is a psychopathic liar and killer who loves death and destruction."
Bush was such a great truth teller (lie about Iraqi WMD's in Congress) and Bush loves babies (puts kids off to war in Iraq). See?
Well, now I feel better getting all of this out. I'm back baby...with a vengence!
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